Category: Software

Catalog Management Software for Complex Products

Catalog Management Software for Complex Products catalog management software

In the “new normal” of the pandemic economy, both B2C and B2B customers are familiar with searching for products or services online and gaining access to rich and consistent product information. An organized and well managed online product catalog is key to creating a fast, efficient, user experience and sets the foundation for a long-term […]

Product Rendering Software

Product Rendering Software product rendering software

Customer Satisfaction and the Digital Experience  Product rendering software can bridge the gap between customer expectations and your company’s delivery of a digital experience. Forrester’s latest report, Winning the B2B Buyer, shares that B2B buyers are not looking for ease of use more than persuasion: Do you think customers shy away from buying complex products online? […]

3D Product Rendering on a Cloud Platform

3D Product Rendering on a Cloud Platform 3D cloud software

What if your company could increase sales for custom or complex products, eliminate returns and customer service issues, and deliver it all in 3D cloud platform? With the latest advancements in product visualization technology, you can deliver seamless online experiences and increase sales without the need for face-to-face meetings or lengthy back-and-forth sales cycles. It’s […]

Omnichannel Marketing & Sales for Complex Products

Omnichannel Marketing & Sales for Complex Products omnichannel marketing

If your company is considering investing in an omnichannel marketing and sales strategy for complex or custom products, it’s important to choose the right tools. Omnichannel marketing differs from multi-channel marketing in one significant way: The focus is on a seamless purchase experience rather than the distribution of the marketing message through multi-channels of marketing.  […]

B2B eCommerce and COVID-19: Is This the New Norm?

B2B eCommerce and COVID-19: Is This the New Norm? B2B eCommerce

The 2020 global pandemic of COVID-19 has flipped the world upside down. Businesses all over are navigating government-mandated closures, restrictions, lay-offs, and more all while transitioning to a virtual environment to meet the needs of their customers and stay in business. What customers expect has changed. The norm has changed. As businesses prepare for things […]

Are Virtual Reality Applications Helping Companies Grow?

Are Virtual Reality Applications Helping Companies Grow? virtual reality applications

Virtual reality applications are commonly associated with the gaming industry, but software companies are making it possible for product manufacturers to use virtual reality to increase sales, shorten the supply chain, and drive preferences from retailer storefronts. Virtual reality is making strides in product retail applications, especially in the area of complex or customizable products.  […]

Visual Experience Tools for Complex Products

Visual Experience Tools for Complex Products

It’s time to give your product designers access to what they deserve: access to visual experience tools that deliver convenience, personalization, and custom options that help improve sales. If your business builds complex products for the furniture industry (including To the Trade), health and life sciences, tech, automotive, or the equipment industry, you understand the […]

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