Case Studies

Autec, a leader in car wash systems manufacturing, was looking for a new, modern, online pricing configurator that would meet their needs in a way their previous configurator hadn’t. This online configurator needed to be relevant and responsive for the ‘modern’ consumer, available on multiple devices, with efficiency of use for both the Auetc customers and the Autec administrators. Clarity stood out among their competitors in more ways than one, thus improving Autec’s productivity. For Autec, Clarity is more than an online configurator, it is a relational-oriented business with important focus on the customer and keen attention to detail. Autec was happy with the acceptance their customers gave the Clarity online pricing configurator.

Vanguard recognized the inaccuracies in the manual order process and were convinced they needed an online solution that would eliminate lag time and incorrect orders. Clarity helped them create a platform, a database, that is more efficient than their previous variety of programs that did not “talk to one another.” Clarity’s real-time online pricing configurator eliminated the human error of the manual order process and increased the cash-flow for the company- making the whole process, from order to delivery, more accurate and efficient.